IDT International was founded in 1977 and listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 1988 (0167). It is mainly engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and sales of fashionable lifestyle electronic products and smart wearable devices. IDT万威国际成立于1977年,1988年在香港交易所主板上市(0167),主营时尚生活电子产品和 智能可穿戴设备的设计、研发、制造和销售,提供时尚、健康、智慧的解决方案和智能硬件产品, 通过持续创新带给人们更加健康和智能的生活方式。
IDT services many well-known international customers, we support our customers in design, R&D, manufacturing, engineering, concept verification etc., and provides good user experience and app development services. IDT服务众多知名国际客户,我们满足客户在设计、研发、制造、 工程、概念验证和批量生产等众多需求,并提供良好的用户体验 和应用程序的开发服务。
Oregon Scientific. The global brand of lifestyle consumer products. Oregon Scientific was founded in 1989 in Portland,Oregon,USA,a blissful place buzzing with ideas and inventions. 欧西亚于2003年进入中国市场,在北京、上海、广州、深圳设立专卖店,为中国消费者带来了高质量并具备设计感的儿童教育和智慧生活类产品。
Award-Winning SmartGlobes and Exciting AR Learning Toys Inspire and Entertain the 15th C... 欧西亚参展第15届中国(无锡)国际设计博览会 展示斩获国际大奖的智能地球仪与火爆AR学习玩具 2019年5月3...
More 查看更多IDT’s commitment to technological innovation coupled with design flair has been reflected in the numerous awards and other recognition. 凭借创新科技和优秀的设计团队,产品得到众多高端客户的广泛认可
Listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 1988 under the stock code: 0167. 1988年在香港证券交易所上市, 股票代码为:0167. HK
Self-starter, being proactive and initiative. Do not evade work, do not shirk work. Being friendly and sincere, tell the truth and act on the facts. 工作积极主动,不回避不推诿;待人友好真诚,说真话办实事
Chen Tian Industrial Zone, Xixiang street, Baoan District, Shenzhen | 86 (0)755 29701188 | 立志发展成为全球领先的时尚创新型 产品和智慧生活解决方案服务商