Corporate Governance 企业管治

Executive Director 执行董事
  • Ms. Cheung Yuk Ki 張鈺淇女士
    Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director 行政总裁兼执行董事
    Ms. Cheung aged 25, is director of PSME Co., Ltd (a company in Shenzhen, the PRC) since 2023, director, human resources manager and head of art and advertising of Player Base (CKP Online gaming service program) Markham, Canada. Ms. Cheung received Bachelor of Fine Art from School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA in 2021. 張女士自二零二三年起擔任深圳平上微電子有限公司(一間位於中國深圳的公司)的董事、加拿大萬錦市(Markham) Player Base(CKP Online在線遊戲服務項目)的董事、人力資源經理及藝術與廣告部主管。張女士於二零二一年獲得美國芝加哥藝術學院美術學士學位。
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Non-executive Director 非执行董事
  • Mr. Tiger Charles Chen Tiger Charles Chen先生
    Non-executive Director 非执行董事
    Mr. Chen, aged 26, received Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from St. Edward’s University, USA in 2023。 Chen先生,26歲,自本公告日期起獲委任為本公司非執行董事及薪酬委員會成員。 Chen先生於二零二三年獲得美國聖愛德華大學化學理學士學位
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  • Ms. Ng Kwok Ying Isabella 吳國凝女士
    Non-executive Director 非执行董事
    Ms. Ng. aged 37, is an executive director of China Parenting Network Holdings Limited (stock code: 1736) since 25 August 2023. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Ng served as the art department head at Kids Gallery Ltd. from 2020 to 2021, the art program lecturer and trainer at the Institute of Advance Learning from 2015 to 2019, the art department head at Kido Town Ltd. from 2014 to 2019, and the art centre department head at LZYE Ltd. from 2011 to 2013. Ms. Ng obtained a bachelor’s degree in fine art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2008 and a master’s degree in fine art from RMIT University in 2014. 吳女士自二零二三年八月二十五日起擔任中國育兒網絡控股有限公司(股份代號: 1736)的執行董事。於加入本公司前,吳女士於二零二零年至二零二一年擔任Kids Gallery Ltd.藝術部主管,於二零一五年至二零一九年擔任香港專上教育學院藝術課程講師及培訓員,於二零一四年至二零一九年擔任Kido Town Ltd.藝術部主管,以及於二零一一年至二零一三年擔任樂之優兒有限公司藝術中心部主管。吳女士於二零零八年獲得芝加哥藝術學院藝術學士學位,並於二零一四年獲得墨爾本皇家理工大學藝術碩士學位。
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  • Cui Xiao 崔嘯
    Non-executive Director 非执行董事
    Cui Xiao, aged 46, joined Hongtu SanPower Advanced Technology Limited* (“Hongtu Sanbao”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jiangsu Hongtu High Technology Co., Ltd.* (“Jiangsu Hongtu”) in 2001 and served as Hongtu Sanbao’s director of information department, network maintenance department, and is currently working at the human resources corporate governance and administration centre of Hongtu Sanbao. He obtained a bachelor degree in economics and administration management from Nanjing Politics College of People’s Liberation Army of China in 2012. 崔嘯,46歲,於二零零一年加盟江蘇 宏圖高科技股份有限公司(「江蘇宏圖」)之全 資附屬公司宏圖三胞高科技術有限公司(「宏 圖三胞」),並曾擔任宏圖三胞之信息部部 長、網絡維護部部長,現就職於宏圖三胞 之人力企管行政中心。崔先生於 二零一二年自中國人民解放軍南京政治學院 獲取經濟與行政管理學士學位
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Independent non-executive Director 独立非执行董事
  • Xu Jinwen 徐錦文
    Independent non-executive Director 独立非执行董事
    Xu Jinwen Independent Non-Executive Director and the chairman of the remuneration committee and the nomination and corporate governance committee and the audit committee of the Board, aged 58. Mr. Xu is the chairman of the board, chief executive officer and executive Director of Changjiang Securities International Financial Group Limited, and independent non-executive Director of Shenzhen Zhongheng Hwafa Co., Ltd, the shares of which are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE: 000020 and 200020). Mr. Xu served as the deputy general manager of China Construction Bank Hubei Provincial Trust and Investment Corporation from December 1990 to October 1995. He worked in Guotai Securities Limited Hubei Branch as the deputy general manager, and Guotai Junan Securities Limited Jiangxi Branch as the general manager from October 1995 to November 2002. Mr. Xu worked as president in Golden Sun Securities Limited from November 2002 to April 2006. Mr. Xu served as the chairman in Changjiang BNP Paribas Peregrine Securities Co., Ltd. from April 2006 to May 2007. Mr. Xu was the executive vice president and the secretary of the board of Changjiang Securities Company Limited from May 2007 to March 2016. Mr. Xu has over 30 years of experience working in the financial industry, and he particularly worked in the area of securities for more than 20 years. He is very familiar with China and overseas financial markets and products, with extensive experience in the management of financial institution and investment. Mr. Xu holds a doctorate degree in Management Science and Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 徐錦文 獨立非執行董事兼薪酬委員會主席、提名及企業管治委員會以及董事會審核委員會成 員,58歲。徐先生現任長江證券國際金融集團有限公司董事會主席兼行政總裁,並為執行董事,及擔任深交所上市公司深圳中恒華髮股份有限公司(股票代碼:000020及200020) 獨立非執行董事一職。徐先生於一九九零年十二月至一九九五年十月擔任中國建設 銀行湖北省信託投資公司副總經理。彼於一九九五年十月至二零零二年十一月先後擔 任國泰證券有限公司湖北分公司常務副總、 國泰君安証券股份有限公司江西分公司總經理。徐先生於二零零二年十一月至二零零六年四月擔任國盛證券有限公司總裁。徐先生於二零零六年四月至二零零七年五月擔任長江巴黎百富勤證券有限責任公司董事長。徐先生於二零零七年五月至二零一六年三月擔任長江證券股份有限公司執行副總裁兼董事會秘書。徐先生從事金融行業三十餘年,證券行業二十餘年,熟知中國境內外金融市場和產品,擁有豐富的金融機構管理和投資經驗。徐先生擁有華中科技大學管理科學與工程博士學位。
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Executive Committee 执行委员会
Ms. Cheung Yuk Ki 張鈺淇女士  

Audit Committee 审核委员会
Xu Jinwen 徐錦文
Nomination And Corporate Governance Committee 提名及企业管治委员会
Xu Jinwen 徐錦文
Remuneration Committee 薪酬委员会
Xu Jinwen (Chairman) 徐錦文(委员会主席)
Mr. Tiger Charles Chen Tiger Charles Chen先生
Ms. Ng Kwok Ying Isabella 吳國凝女士

Audit Committee 审核委员会

The Audit Committee currently consists of three independent non-executive directors. The duties and responsibilities of the Committee are to ensure the objectivity and credibility of financial reporting, to make recommendations to the Board on the appointment, re-appointment and removal of the Group’s external auditor and review the Company’s financial controls, internal control and risk management systems. The Committee has unrestricted access to the Group’s external auditor and management. The Audit Committee holds at least three meetings each year. 审核委员会现时由三名独立非执行董事组成。审核委员会之主要职责为确保财务申报之客观及可信程度、就委任、重新委任及罢免本集团外聘核数师向董事会提供推荐建议,以及检讨本公司之财务监控、内部监控及风险管理系统。审核委员会各成员在接触本集团之外聘核数师及管理层方面并无受到任何限制。审核委员会每年最少举行三次会议。

Terms of Reference of Audit Committee 审核委员会的职权范围

Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee 提名及企业管治委员会

The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee consists of three members, including one executive director and two independent non-executive directors. The duties of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee's include the formulation of nomination policies and recommendations to the board on the nomination and appointment of directors and the relevant succession plan. The Committee is also responsible for formulating the procedure of candidate nomination, reviewing the Board structure, size and composition and assessing the independence of independent non-executive directors. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee shall at least hold one meeting each year. 提名及企业管制委员会现时由三名成员组成,包括一名执行董事、及两名独立非执行董事,提名及企业管制委员会之职责包括制定提名政策,及就董事之提名及委任与董事接任之安排向董事会提出建议。委员会亦负责制定提名人选之程序,检讨董事会之架构、规模及组成,及评核独立非执行董事的独立性。提名及企业管制委员会每年最少举行一次会议。

Terms of Reference of Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee 提名及企业管治委员会的职权范围

Remuneration Committee 薪酬委员会

The Remuneration Committee currently consists of three members, including one non-executive director and two independent non-executive directors. The primary duties of the Remuneration Committee are to make recommendation to the Board regarding all the Group’s policies and structure of the remuneration of all the Directors and senior management of the Group. None of the directors are involved in deciding his/her own remuneration. The Remuneration Committee shall at least hold one meeting each year. 薪酬委员会现时由三名成员组成,包括一名非执行董事、及两名独立非执行董事。薪酬委员会之主要职责为就集团所有董事及高级管理层之全部薪酬政策及架构向董事会作出推荐建议。各董事均无参与厘订其本身之薪酬。薪酬委员会每年最少举行一次会议。

Terms of Reference of Remuneration Committee 薪酬委员会的职权范围